Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Home Wrecker

Eva and I had a doozy of an argument on our way out of Salt Lake City this morning. We argue so seldom that it scares our kids to death when it happens (I remember Joelle and Emily crying once when they saw us arguing). We had pulled over on the side of an on-ramp to continue our “discussion”. I noticed that a Policeman had a motorist pulled over on the same on-ramp. He stuck around after he was done with the motorist to make sure that we didn't kill each other (I think he grew concerned when he saw me throw the road atlas out the window).

It all started when our GPS navigator told us to get off at the wrong exit from the Interstate.

I mentioned in an earlier post that we refer to it as “her” because it has a female voice. Now it is just referred to as “that woman...”.

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