Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Butte, Montna

344 Miles

This was just an overnight stopover on our way from Glacier National Park to Salt Lake City, Utah. We weren't able to do much here, other than make a long overdue trip to Walmart. Butte's main attraction is a huge strip mine that is right next to the town (and right next to our campground).

When we were in Jackson Hole, we met a young couple from Idaho who told us that minerals from this strip mine are leaching into the water table and causing all manor of health problems. In fact, they said that it is common to ask someone who isn't thinking clearly, "Are you from Butte?". I told them that I was glad that Idahoans have someone to pick-on. Georgians pick-on Alabamans. Thank goodness that Alabama has Mississippi to pick-on, but who are those poor people in Mississippi going pick-on?

Hey, how about Butte?

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