Sunday, July 20, 2008

Canyonlands National Park

Although Canyonlands and Arches are only a few miles apart, the landscape is very different between the two.

I told the kids that this is only a preview of what we're going to see when we get to that Grand Canyon. We really enjoyed Canyonlands because all of the views were accessible by car with little or no hiking. We love to hike, but it's just too hot here right now to do much hiking.

While we were stopped at one of the overlooks, we noticed this trail leading from the canyon floor up the canyon wall below us.

Shortly after that, we noticed a vehicle making it's way up. When we first spotted it, I thought that it was a Jeep of some sort. Then I made out the fact that it was a Ford (Explorer I thought). Then I thought it was an Expedition. By the time it got almost to us, I realized that it was a big ol' Ford Excursion!

This was a very tight mountain road he was on... the guy has more guts than I have.

Anyway, while I'm busy looking at cars and trucks, Hannah is usually busy seeking out vegetation and wildlife:

While scanning through these photographs, I realize how inadequate a camera is for capturing what it is really like, but we do the best can!

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