Monday, July 7, 2008

Hiking and rafting

Pretty busy day yesterday. We got up at 5:45AM in order to catch the early Ferry across Jenny Lake to the Grand Tetons. We hiked for about 2 hours up into the mountains to a waterfall. We found a secluded spot to rest and enjoy the view for a while.

As we were getting ready to start back down, I noticed that a tiny spec on one of the glaciers was moving. The binoculars confirmed that it was a climber, a lone climber. That guy's got guts! It's about 14,000 feet where he was headed. We noticed that some of the hikers had overnight backpacks and some had oxygen tanks.

There is a 20 mile trail that leads back into the canyons and further up into mountains. That would be a great 2 or 3 day backpacking trip. Eva Jo and I would love to do this, but we're not sure the kids would be up to it yet. Some day!

I think the kids were a little disappointed that we didn't see a bear. Eva Jo and I weren't that disappointed...

Late yesterday afternoon we went on a whitewater rafting trip down the Snake River. I've been whitewater rafting several times in north Georgia... this was totally different. The river was up due to the late snow melt. The swells on some of the rapids were 8 feet or more. Don't believe me?

That's Hannah up front, and Eva Jo, Kendall, and me directly behind her. Hannah and Kendall took turns (along with another girl) riding on the bow of the raft. Of course Hannah made sure that she was there for the photo op!

We'll be breaking camp later this morning and headed up up West Yellowstone, Montana where we'll be for the next several days.

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